”Our detailed knowledge of polymer chemistry & ionomers gives us the ability to make any tailor made ion exchange membranes according to your needs.”

”To satisfy your most demanding applications, we can create homogenous membranes of various thickness, reinforecement, with high ionic conductivity or permselectivity.”

”Hollex membranes will cater and fulfill your most demanding needs.”

Jan Žitka, Founder of TailorMem

Jan Žitka

Founder of TailorMem


Homogeneous anion exchange membrane

Homogeneous anion exchange membrane

Parameter Value
Type anex
Hollex ADL 911 NR
Ion exchange group
Quaternary ammonium
Reinforcing textile
Thickness dry [mm]
0.05 – 0.2
Thickness swelled [mm]
0.06 – 0.3
Surface resistance at RT [Ω cm2]
< 2,5
Specific conductivity at RT [mS cm-1]
> 30
Ion exchange capacity [mmol g-1]
> 0,94
pH range
0 – 10
Thermal stability in 1M KOH long term (1000 h) [°C]
Thermal stability in 1M KOH short term (100 h) [°C]
Homogeneous cation exchange membrane

Homogeneous cation exchange membrane

Available soon


NEWELY - New Generation Water Electrolyser

TailorMem membrane Hollex ADL 911 NR is based on block copolymer that has been developed in IMC CAS and UCTP (CZ). It was patented and licenced to TailorMem company.

This copolymer was sucessfully used for membrane preparation and functionalization and further optimized in NEWELY project for use in anion exchange membrane water electrolysis (AEMWE). This membrane has optimal water transport, high hydroxide (OH – ) conductivity and high chemical stability in alkaline environment.

The milestone of NEWELY project (2V@ 1A/cm²) was outperformed with (1.5 A/cm² @2V) in 0.1 M KOH at 50°C with dry cathode with only 3 mg/cm² of non-PGM OXYGN-N and H2GEN-M on the anode and the cathode side, respectively, assembled in a CCS-like MEA with a 60μm thick membrane.

More at Newely.eu

Clean Hydrogen Partnership
Co-funded by the European Union

This project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (now Clean Hydrogen Partnership) under Grant Agreement No 875118. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research.

Technology Incubation - CzechInvest

In 2024-2026, we are supported as part of the Technological Incubation project by CzechInvest, the business and investment development agency.

Contact Us

Invoicing details

Company Address: TailorMem s.r.o.
Zájezd 8, 273 43 Zájezd
Czech Republic
ID no: 116 61 721
VAT no: CZ 11661721
File ID: 351659 C, Municipal Court in Prague

Contacts for orders

E-mail: jan.zitka@tailormem.com
Phone: +420 777 522 668


E-mail: info@tailormem.com
Phone: +420 777 522 668

© 2021 Tailormem s.r.o.;